Jewelry “just because”

Jewelry “just because”

Inspiring deeper connections with yourself, your space, and your life through curated luxury interiors, fine art, and exquisite jewelry A couple of weeks ago, I fell into what we elegantly call a procrastination “scroll hole” at our house, looking at dusty...
Keith Haring: Art is For Everybody

Keith Haring: Art is For Everybody

From April 27th to September 8th, 2024, the Minneapolis Walker Art Center will exhibit Keith Haring’s work, featuring over 100 pieces, from the most famous to the rarely seen. The exhibit traces Keith Haring’s journey from a graffiti artist in New...
Designing a Sophisticated Kids Toy Closet

Designing a Sophisticated Kids Toy Closet

Can I please have more clutter in my life?” Said no parent ever. It’s unbelievable how clutter accumulates in a home with children. Things can get out of hand in the blink of an eye as that box of Legos spills onto the floor.  Visual clutter is...